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Our wishes for the holiday season 2022!
December 20, 2022


We want to share with you a highlight of our year: the notion of «fire». Many of you mentioned it to us. For some, it was the experience of fire we lived together. For others, it was the magical moment of a beautiful evening spent with the ones you love.

In our eyes, the symbolism of fire is very important. The word «fire» refers to many elements including these courageous human beings, known as bearers of the fire, who, at the risk of their lives, have protected fire to ensure the survival of humanity and thus contributing to an important stage of its evolution.

We believe that today, the new bearers of the fire are the «leaders», the ones who daily attend to and activate human connections. They carry this flame which animates, sheds light, and inspires. They carry inside them this fire which gives them the courage and the determination needed to explore less frequented human paths, this fire which ignites the fuel, serving as a springboard, to bounce back, to learn and to dare to do things differently.

“Our wish for you is that you consciously choose to always take care of «your fire» and also to dare to fully connect with the fire of the people who accompany you in life and who cross your path! Thus, together you will create unique moments which will be a source of energy throughout your odyssey!”


Christine and Carolina, Associates and co-founders HODYSS Evolution





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