The leader’s Odyssey

 Our services


Each leader has his own DNA, function, history, achievements, habits, abilities, expertise, biases, beliefs, desires and much more.

This leader recognizes the importance of thinking outside the box when faced with uncertainty, being straightforward, counting on his human skills and affirming his leadership signature to strengthen his impact and bring success for all. The human connection he creates encourages trust, authenticity, psychological safety and the desire to find fulfillment.

Main areas of development

  • Discover and follow his passion and mission
  • Know and assert his leadership identity
  • Show authenticity and humility
  • Increase his mental and emotional agility
  • Lead with conviction, sense and priority
  • Open the way to his vulnerability
  • Create a strong ”WE” while making sure
    to recognize the contribution of each “ME”
  • Expanding your intentional consciousness
  • Cultivate the power of emotions
  • Strengthen his impact on relationships
  • Act with empathy and bring it to life
  • Show audacity
  • Be open-minded and initiate change, compromises,
    experimentation as well as new or differing ideas
  • Navigate amongst uncertainty and paradoxes
  • Enhance the aspirations of the team’s members
    and to develop their potential
  • Sustain and drive learning

Types of services

  • Leadership development programs

  • Development program on human skills

  • Executive and management coaching

  • Co-development Group

  • Individual coaching

  • Career management program

  • Exchange forum for peers

  • Training courses, conferences and posts

  • Psychometric evaluations

  • Personalized development

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The leader’s Odyssey

To develop the leader’s human skills and his signature to strengthen his impact and to bring success for all.

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The team’s Odyssey

To develop the relational skills of the team’s members and their alignment to achieve individual fulfillment and collective contribution.

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The organization’s Odyssey

To accelerate the organization’s growth towards achieving a human and agile culture in order to ensure the durability of its imprint.

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